"Miss Teacher, why you so big?"
"Can you touch the ceiling?!"
"I have the tallest teacher in the world!"
If I had a dollar--or even a quarter--for the comments made regarding my height since I began teaching young children, I'd be writing this post from a penthouse apartment overlooking the Champs Elysses in Paris. In fact, if I had a dollar for comments made regarding my height in general, throughout my life, I'd own Paris.
Standing at 6-feet tall (flat footed) since age 14 has lent itself to many discussions about my abundant blessing in height. Some see it as a freak show. I see it as an icebreaker. A calling card. An unforgettable characteristic...(Oh yeah, the TALL girl!)...yet unfailing frustration while shopping for jeans.
So, when I decided to start a blog, I had no problem deciding on a title. The obvious choice for a title would be just that: my title, as deemed by the most outspoken students, in every school in which I've ever set foot. Because I'm, apparently, the tallest teacher in the universe.
These things students say, like the blog title, have been one of my favorite aspects of my newfound career path in education. Prior to this, education was...well...it wasn't my first choice. I ignorantly viewed it as a college major chosen by students who don't know what else to do, or (*advance apology*) a good fit for someone who enjoys being bossy.
(Sorry, teacher friends. I plead ignorance!)
(For more on my decision to become the newly-certified-teacher-freak that I am, see the previous post: Stepping (Falling) Off the Ladder.)
I am now a complete convert, to the point of complete teacher dork-dom. I now scavenge the Internet for classroom organization ideas, behavior management ideas, lesson ideas, craftivity ideas, bulletin board ideas...and ideas and ideas and ideas. I registered for four teaching workshops over the summer without being required to do so. (Whaaat? Who am I?)
I even started sharing my classroom creations at TeachersPayTeachers.com. (Check out my TPT store here.) And while sharing these creations has been fun, I decided I needed more room to blah blah blah about implementing them in my classroom, so here I am.
On this blog, you will find:
- pictures/descriptions of activities I've tried in my class (successful or not)
- assignments I hope to try
- must-have classroom supplies that I stumble upon
- links to other teachers' blogs
So, thanks for stopping by. Things will start picking up as I begin the daunting (yet exciting) task of putting together my first classroom. [Clapping hands like a wild banshee!] I hope you find something you like here. And, of course, please don't be shy in sharing your thoughts. :)
-Kinsey, aka: The Tallest Teacher